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Together with my wife Bekah, we run Hardtail Gang!


It all started for me with a random invite from my friend Derrick to go riding with him back in 2012. I pulled out my mom's 90s mountain bike from our shed, aired up the tires, and met him on the trail - I was immediately hooked!


Mountain biking always seemed like something that was done "by other people, somewhere else" and I had no idea that the area I grew up in had trails everywhere!

portrait of the owners
bikes along a forest path
mountain biker next to a wooden bridge
mountain biker at the top of a mountain

When it came time to purchase my own bike, I already had a fascination with hardtails. I think it was a combination of a cool sounding name, the price point, and that it seemed pretty niche in the mountain biking world.


I started on a Trek from a local bike shop, and when it came time to upgrade years later, I bought a Bird Cycleworks Zero AM frame from the UK and built it up from scratch.


A decade into riding and I'm finding that I'm still not being "held back" from progressing or feeling the need to "upgrade" to a full suspension. I'm having just as much fun as I did when I started.

bird cyclework brand mountain bike






On a whim I decided to use our Cricut Maker to create a tongue-in-cheek shirt about switching to a hardtail.


That's when the original "Not too late" tee was born. I posted a picture of it to my regional MTB Facebook group and got an overwhelming response of people who got a laugh out of it, and a handful who wanted to buy one.


I hadn't advertised them for sale, but thought, what the heck. I ordered up some more shirts and went ahead and made a small batch of 5.


Thanks to the support of those 5, and going through the whole process once, I thought to myself "you know this could be a thing..."

mountain biker during a race


blue tie-dye shirt with text


tie-dye shirts with text
black polymailers

We invested $1000 to get started on what is now Hardtail Gang.


Currently, ALL profits go back into the brand so that we can put out new designs, increase the quality of our product, and keep spreading the hardtail love!


From one hardtail weirdo to another, I hope you'll join us on this awesome journey.


Happy to have you in the gang!



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